

International Standards & Practice Guidelines (IS&Gs)

  1. General Assembly of the United Nations
    The transformative potential of the right to food  UN General Assembly Report 2014
  2. Nutrition topics
    —WHO Director Address to the Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly 2016 (Re the “Three Slow Motion Disasters” & “The Tipping Point”)
  3. Nutrition programs
    Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS)
  4. Diet topics
  5. Nutrition disorders topics
  6. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health Programs
  7. e-Library of Evidence for Nutrition Actions (eLENA) Programs
  8. Interventions on Diet and Physical Activity: What Works BPGHM Note: This WHO document also gives church-based programs “Effective” (highest possible) evidence-based rating (page 25).
  9. Livestock’s long shadow
  10. Healthy diet Fact Sheet
  11. A global response to a global problem: the epidemic of overnutrition
  12. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)–WHO Collaborating Partner Nutrition  See especially:
    Food and Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
    Strategies & Guidelines

Missions Specific Best Practices Documents

(Demonstrate Compliance with International Standards & Guidelines)

A. Christian Missionary Founders of Modern Nutrition.
BPGHM Note: Above IS&Gs promoting a whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet originated with the work of Christian missionaries in Africa. Trowell and Burkitt also worked with the WHO and are recognized “Founders of Modern Nutrition”
Dr Hugh Trowell (See p20 of Founders of Modern Nutrition for influence on Nathan Pritikin and US nutrition) –The McCarrison Society
Denis Burkitt and the origins of the dietary fibre hypothesis Cambridge University Press -Now known as whole-food plant-based (WFPB) diet and credited with originating the treatment “for the prevention of the major diseases of western culture.”
Dr (later also ordained) Hugh Trowell is also credited with developing the very concept of “Non-Communicable Disease” (page 8)
Dr Denis Burkitt–McDougall interview
Denis Parsons Burkitt FRS–The McCarrison Society
Dr Burkitts F-word (Fiber) Diet  Secular video. Historically correct, evidence-based, and health promoting, though somewhat irreverent sense of humor.
Food as Medicine | Michael Greger, M.D. | TEDxSedona: Describes the groundbreaking work of African missionaries Burkitt and Trowell on whole-food plant-based prevention of non-communicable diseases.
—“it was the work of Burkitt and others in Africa that led to the disease reversal work of pioneers like Nathan Pritikin (Engineering a Cure).”
Dietary Fiber and Disease D. P. Burkitt, MD, FRS, FRCSE et al JAMA. Aug 1974
Denis Parsons Burkitt CMG, MD, DSc, FRS, FRCS, FTCD (1911–93) Irish by birth, Trinity by the grace of God  BHAEM (British Journal of Haemaatology)  Feb 2012
The association between dietary fibre deficiency and high-income lifestyle-associated diseases: Burkitt’s hypothesis revisited  The Lancet Dec 2019
Dr. Denis Burkitt-A Wide Angle View of the Proverbial Elephant Center for Nutrition Studies 2024

B. Christian Journal for Global Health (CJGH)
The Church, Food Culture, and Ecotheology: An Ongoing Church Effort to Reduce Bushmeat Eating in Minahasa, Indonesia

C. Christian Vegetarian Association
Joyful, Compassionate Eating-Honoring God’s Creation. Open Access in 10 languages
——Adapted from the above document: Five Evidence-Based Blessings of Plant-Based Eating (Numerous additional UN, WHO and CDC references) Open Access in several languages

D. Loma Linda University Adventist Health Studies
BPGHM Note: Some of the most important research contributing to IS&Gs on nutrition, lifestyle and NCDs have come from these studies. See especially:
Adventist Health Study-1
Adventist Health Study-2
The Adventist Health StudiesPPT

D. William Carey International Development Journal (Click full screen icon & scroll down to page number)
Phyto-Bioactive Food Pyramid©: A Healthy Dietary Plan for Preventing Certain Common Cancers p10–No references to IS&Gs but appears to demonstrate compliance.

E. Health Education Program For Developing Communities (HEPFDC)
Nutrition Programs

A. Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance (LMGA)  / International Board of Lifestyle Medicine (IBLM)  / American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM)
—American College of Lifestyle Medicine Free Education Resources
American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine
——Blue Zones: Lessons From the World’s Longest Lived

B. American Medical Association
Don’t get stumped when patients ask for nutrition advice Re American Medical Association / Gaples Institute for Integrative Cardiology Partnership. See especially:
Resources for the Public
Resources for Health Professionals

C. American Dental Association Advocacy Diet & Nutrition–No references to IS&Gs but appears to demonstrate compliance. See especially:
Dietary Guidelines Coalition Letter re “Moderate“ Evidence 2015

D. Global Health: Science & Practice-Dedicated to What Works In Global Health Programs. (Johns Hopkins University & USAID collaboration) Topics  Numerous excellent reports, all open access:

E. International Journal of Disease Reversal and Prevention website   Numerous excellent reports, all open access. WHO IS&Gs not always cited, but definitely in compliance with WHO’s Declarations of Alma Ata and Astana re primary importance of Health Promotion & Disease Prevention.

F. The Lancet Global Health Series See especially:
Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems  2019
——The 21st-century great food transformation 2019
The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, & Climate Change: The Lancet Commission report 2019
Open letter urges WHO to take action on industrial animal farming (Re “Three Slow Motion Disasters” & “The Tipping Point”) 2017
Breastfeeding 2016
Maternal and Child Nutrition  2013

G. website Numerous videos based on world-wide nutritional scientific literature. Includes UN,WHO, HHS, CDC, FDA, USDA and other guidelines.
Evidence-Based Weight Loss–Live Presentation–Reviews content of “How Not to Diet” (Includes nearly 4 ,500 references) 2020

H. The Permanente Journal
Nutritional update for physicians: Plant-based diets 2013
Lifestyle Medicine: A Brief Review of Its Dramatic Impact on Health and Survival 2018