Emergency response

Emergency response

International Standards & Practice Guidelines (IS&Gs)

  1. Emergencies topics
  2. Emergencies programs
    Emergencies preparedness, response
    Emergency and essential surgical care
    Emergency and trauma care
    Environmental health in emergencies
    Disease Control in Humanitarian Emergencies
    Standardized health kits for emergencies
  3. WHO Humanitarian Health Action Programs
    Key policy documents
    Technical guidelines in emergencies
    Emergency Medical Teams and World Health Organization
    Classification and minimum standards for foreign medical teams in sudden onset disasters
    Emergency and disaster risk management for health
    Myths and realities in disaster situations
  4. WHO Health action in crises: Global Health Cluster
    WHO Health Cluster Guide (See especially Chapter 6)
  5. OCHA
    Humanitarian.Id Connecting Responders
    Humanitarian Response Info
  6. The Sphere Handbook-Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response See especially:
    Minimum standards in health action
    Core Standards
    Core Standard 6: Aid worker performance (Refers to: People in Aid Code of Good Practice)
  7. Refugee and migrant health programs

Missions Specific Best Practices Documents

(Demonstrate Compliance with International Standards & Guidelines)

A. Christian Journal for Global Health (CJGH)
Internally Displaced Iraqi People in Kurdistan Urgently Need Global Heath Action: An Opportunity in Crisis

A. American Academy of Pediatrics Global Initiatives
Pediatric Education in Disasters Manual

B. American Heart Association-International
CPR & Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC) (Numerous languages)

C. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Open public health courses and materials See especially:
Biological Agents of Water and Foodborne Bioterrorism
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive-related Trainings
Radiation Terror 101

D. New England Journal of Medicine Global Health See especially:
Health Care Volunteers and Disaster Response — First, Be Prepared 2010